The School of Contemplative Life

The purpose of The School of Contemplative Life is to teach meditation in the Christian tradition as a simple pathway to peace, community and oneness.

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Monday Dec 18, 2023

Many of us have a difficult relationship with time. 
We might wish we had more of it to finish that home project which never quite gets done. We might wish we were more efficient at using the time we do have, having chased our tail all day, before we fall into bed. We might regret the time we have spent on certain things in the past, or worry about what is likely to consume our time in the future.
It’s all too easy to feel like we are the victim of time.
In this podcast, we explore how we can transform our relationship with time through the wisdom of monasticism.

Sunday Nov 19, 2023

In meditation, we set out on a journey like no other.  Saying our prayer word, following our breath, we learn to travel light.
Instead of packing, we unpack.
Instead of trying to grasp hold of what cannot grasped, we allow ourselves to be held.
Instead of worrying about finding God, or experiencing God, we allow ourselves to rest in God’s ever-present Presence.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

The contemplative practice of Christian meditation has its foundation in the teachings and prayer life of Jesus.
Jesus frequently withdrew to solitary or deserted places to pray. The Gospel writers skillfully record a pattern of solitary prayer, engaged compassion, and the creation of community.
We don't need to find any special way of getting in touch with God. God wants to simplify us through the simplicity of silent prayer.

Sunday Oct 29, 2023

It takes trust to life attention off ourselves, to believe God has everything in hand.
We have a tendency to want to complicate what is simple.
All God wants to do, through the simplicity of prayer is simplify us, to lead us back from distractedness to wholeness. 

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

Religion means 'a way of getting back in touch', something that 'reconnects'
and 'binds together.' It is especially important to remember some of the deepest
meanings of this word at moments when some may wish to use it as a way of
dividing people. Meditation helps us open up to the gift of contemplation,
the gift of seeing clearly, and coming to awareness of our essential oneness
with each other and all of creation.

Our Thirst for Peace

Friday Sep 15, 2023

Friday Sep 15, 2023

Through meditation and self-compassion, we can gradually dissolve internal obstacles and develop a more harmonious relationship with ourselves and the world. As we learn to approach our thoughts and feelings with stillness and compassion, we unveil the ever-present peace within us.


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